Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Applying Semiotics Analysis

Semiotics - The study of signs and symbols and their meanings in different cultures and societys.

-Arbitary - defined by society
-Indexical - direct relation to the message it conveys -> navigation (arrows)
-Iconic - resembles what it represents

- Denotation - most basic functions
- Connotation - meanings based on cultural background

Anaylsis of a webpages


The iconic symbol, next to the email address denotes a person, and conotates the direct person who owns the email address.

Windows live ID: Arbitary, defined by society. Anyone on this site must have a ID, and the Sign up button allows non windows live people to join.

BBC homepage.

Indexical, arrows on the BBC iplayer to flick between programmes. Edit and an arrow, to allow the audience to create their own homepage with their favourite things.

Iconic, clock - denotes the time. Images of the sun/cloud - denotes the weather.

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